DIY Personal Product care

Type of Work

Brand Identity, Naming, Digital Design, Packaging

Created a premium ownership experience by developing a product architecture and a unique brand mascot for a consistent tone of voice.

Nanodelic, a DIY Personal Product care brand. Pixpil design and strategy team involved from the product development discussion to creating a brand strategy for Market positioning and environmental graphics.

The brand identity Design included the development of product architecture, brand voice, product naming and messaging that is stylish, young and communicative. nanodelic’s vibrant and dynamic identity unifies the visual look of the brand while reinforcing its sense of premium personal Product care.

Products ranging from
nano-ceramic coating to auto wax,
We developed a product naming series that translates the nanodelic’s brand DNA.

Pixpil created a brand mascot for nanodelic. The hydrophobic (water-resistant) characteristics of Gecko was thoughtfully integrated into the wordmark Design. The mascot ensures consistency across a range of assets, from package design to website UI to digital creative templates.

Gold was chosen as the primary brand color to enhance the ownership experience and mascot later named Golden Gecko, to keep the authenticity of the brand identity.

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